Douggpound [USA]
website & myspace
[mp3] Talking In Your Sleep feat. Vanessa Buccella
I even don't know why I haven't posted this song before, although it's been in my playlist nearly half a year. At least I did it now. Enjoy!:)
Douggpound is a video-artist who also creates some electronic music. This song is cover of The Romantics' version and it's made for 80's collection - "for edmar's thingy", as he describes it himself. The compilation is Lumptronic 5: Lumpenwave. After Douggpound's I listened several other versions, including the original, but there was not much to listen:) It also seems that the man is someway linked with J+J+J we posted months ago.
PS - first post exactly year ago!!! Happy birthday, microlips!!!:)
palju õnne! teil on äge sait. tsau!
palju õnne!
tegelikult oli see microlips kunagi ammu osake ühe kurvameelse robotipoisi lüürikast, kes laulis elektrodiskot.
nimesaamis- ja sünnipäevalugu:
Täiesti juhuslikult sattusin YouTube lehel kolades originaali video otsa. Umbes viis minti tagasi on keegi selle sinna riputanud:)
The Romantics - Talking In Your Sleep (video)
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